Friday, 12 December 2008

The shapeshifter as trickster

Something that hit me out of nowhere; shifting shape is somehow parsed as lying. The Mystique thing. Multiple faces like veils tied around a ‘real’ body, a ‘real’ identity, obscuring it. A tease maybe. A deception, definitely.

And I’m not saying there aren’t people who do that, but the possibility of having more than one shape and all shapes being true doesn’t really seem to be one that’s allowed to enter heads.

When trying to stick to one shape, one identity, has always been the thing that felt to me like lying; hiding stuff, trying to be predictable, trying to be boxed neatly so that people can see me and understand.(And somehow it’s my responsibility to be understandable, not theirs to try to understand…)

It’s tiring…

…and not surprisingly Knux has no truck with this whole ideology whatsoever.(And have I mentioned how glad I am that I met my Echidna?)

Shape shifting for me is truth telling, because the truth is bigger than one story. Shape shifting is nakedness, brazen and bold. Here I am. All of me.

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