Thursday, 2 July 2009

I wonder if you could be my therapy~?

So recently Knux has been doing stuff in my head. Good stuff.

It's...subtle, and complicated, and hard to describe. But it's about boosting self-esteem. It's about allowing myself to feel comfortable in my body, it's about not feeling guilty, not mortifying the flesh, not practising self-denial. It's about untying my hopelessly tangled shoelaces and letting myself walk barefoot over the grass and get dirt inbetween my toes.

It's about not feeling like I'm under a moral obligation to give away every bit of security I can get a hold of, not having to be the one who saves the world, being allowed to be one of those characters with sub-par stats that never gets used for the boss battles, being allowed to be the human equivalent of my Platinum-version Weavile, who has no surefire big-hitter moves and whose stats are only average, but who is pretty and has a lot of character and is named after a good friend of mine, and who keeps up with the other five members of the team, more or less. It's about not panicking, not rushing or hurrying, staying calm, keeping it together, living in stone time.

(Water-name notwithstanding, Tigris is fire in my head; hot and quick and impatient. In fire time, every second, every nanosecond counts. Tigris always has a sense of energy about him; always poised to jump up and do something. To roar and fight or laugh booming-deep-golden and romp like...well, like a cat chasing sunbeams. Do Something. Time's a-wasting. This is the time, now is the time, every moment is the most important moment, the decisive moment, the moment of the fight, so do it, get up, do something, make something, fight something, change something, whatever you do, don't stand still. If you're standing still, you shouldn't be.)

Stone time is geological ages and patience. The slow, slow movement of mountains rising and tectonic plates shifting. They'll get there. There's no rush. No need to get in a lather. There is world enough, and time. Everything in its time, and a time for every purpose, if you only wait. Stone time is the green soft glow of the Master Emerald. It's meditation in a cool still room, and walking a meandering path through the Marble Garden, smelling the flowers, picking fruit, playing in the dirt, doubling back on yourself, lying down to sleep under a shady tree. Granite calmness, basalt wisdom. Stone just is.


That's stone time.


  1. This is lovely. Barefoot on the stone, though it's hot here. It's the earth that holds the warmth overnight. I know about you and barefoot, though, and hope that it is good.

    There's that Dar song:
    They preach that I should save the world
    They pray that I won't do a better job of it

    (M's most-used Pokemon is an unassuming Umbreon who doesn't look like much but is almost unkillable. Also, 'mortification of the flesh' is still an LHM phrase for me. Some references just get stuck that way!)

  2. Something I've realised about Tigris; he is kind of short on...not sympathy, exactly, but patience for the weaknesses of others. He kind of takes a 'pain hurts, suck it up bitch and get on with the job' view. And that it is entirely possible to pick oneself up by sitting on one's hands. So, he insisted I had to get over the OCD, repeatedly...but he didn't do anything himself to help, other than keep needling.

    I'm not making him out to be the villain of the piece. But I'm pretty sure he's not as perfect as he'd like folk to think, now.
