Tuesday 8 September 2009


I'm being discharged on Friday. I just don't fit in here. My therapist will be seeing me at home. But they reckon that this is not the environment for me.

I don't either. But I know my parents are going to hit the roof. I'm not looking forward to it.

I just feel so tired.

I left Cosmo, my miniature rose, out in the courtyard on the table to get some sun. While I was gone, someone came and threw her pot into the bushes. Compost everywhere. I don't know who or why. The pettiness of it makes me feel so tired. Why do something like that?

I don't know.


  1. Home as in Cambs? Urgh. Frying pans and fire.

  2. No. Dad's house. But...that's not much better these days...and harder to get out of when I need alone time...
