Wednesday 24 June 2009


Yesterday I got out The White Darkness from the library-the audio book version as they didn't have the actual book itself-and stayed up late at night to listen to it.

And, well, wow.

I gloomily suspected from the blurb that it would end up being anti-figment, didn't. Sym's Titus was her lifeline, he helped her, without him she'd never have made it. And handsome Thulcandran Sigurd turned out to be a total love-rat. So no 'she just needs a proper boyfriend and then she'll grow out of it' then.

On top of that the story was gripping, and well-written. I spent most of the time hugging Knuxplushie so hard, because I needed to hug something so bad. Maybe it's just me, but since I was a little kid, one of my worst fears, the sort that crops up in nightmares, has been of getting lost, somewhere where there is nobody to help me, and where I can't find my way home... I'm gonna find a copy of the book and send it to Ash if she hasn't got it already.


  1. Ooh... Sounds good. But what have I told you about wasting moneys on me?
